CMI AUS continuously strives to provide a safe and secure working environment to all of our personnel. Our Health and Safety Policy incorporates the following actions to ensure the well being of all our employees, customers and visitors:

  • Provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
  • Protect all parties from injury, fire, hazards and any work-related health problems or illness.
  • Provide adequate information, instruction, training and supervision for all employees to safely undertake their duties.
  • Develop and implement health and safety programs which ensure that all risks to health and safety at the workplace are identified, assessed and eliminated or controlled.
  • Comply with relevant legislative requirements.
  • Continue improving health and safety performance.

CMI AUS will continue to make appropriate resources available within the workplace to ensure that we comply in all aspects with relevant health and safety legislation, and to ensure that the work environment is caring, safe and healthy.

CMI AUS consults with our employees and shares information on all health and safety processes, practices and activities. In doing so, CMI AUS demonstrates that it is the responsibility of each person to achieve a safe and healthy workplace by following specially developed policies, procedures, training and instruction.